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始建于1997年,占地面积10万余㎡,是全国规模最大的一个集交易、展示、商务、物流配送功能于一体的摩托车配件专业市场。汇聚了全球七百多家知名厂商,经营品种涵盖几乎所有摩配件、应有尽有。市场营商环境热切、一派车水马龙、买手云集景象。经过多年的培植,专业城已被打就成成熟的商圈,就像一轮红日冉冉升起,熣灿夺目。 03年市商业局、城市规划局联合发布了《广州市商业网点发展规划(2003—-2012)》规划中将广州白云摩配市场列重点为改造升级专业市场群名单,颁发了先进企业,授予超亿模范专业城,重点培植批发市场、广州十大专业市场、纳税大户等称号。业务范围远达中美洲、南美、非洲、中东、东南亚、东欧等国家地区,每日都有几十批外商到场采购,是目前全国唯一开放市场式的外商采购平台 ●国内摩托车配件出口的交易中心 ●全国规模最大的摩手车配件批发市场 ●全国同行业成交量最大的摩托配件批发市场 ●全国最大厂商云集的摩托车配件批发市场 为增强服务的专业水准,广州市白云摩托车配件批发市场在软硬件设施上进行大投入:提供全天24小时的监控系统以保障市场内各厂商的安全,为涉外业务需求,市场还配备了免费的专业翻译为各厂商服务,设立租户俱乐部…… “迈向国际,再创佳绩”,广州市白云摩托车配件批发市场将不懈努力,推动广州乃至中国的摩托车配件行业迈向国际化的未来。 Was founded in 1997, covers an area of 10 million square meters, is the country's largest set of transactions, show business, logistics and distribution functions in one of the professional market of motorcycle accessories. Brought together more than seven hundred of the world's well-known manufacturers, engaged in a variety covers almost all friction parts, everything. The eager market business environment, one group busy, buyers gathered in the scene. After years of nurturing, professional city has been to become a mature business district, rising like a red sun, Cui Can dazzling. 03 Urban Business Bureau, the Urban Planning Bureau jointly issued the "Guangzhou Commercial Network Development Plan (2003 - 2012)" planning the Guangzhou Baiyun Motorcycle market focus of columns for the upgrading of the list of professional markets group, issued a state-of-the-art enterprise grant ultra-billion model professional city wholesale market, Guangzhou's top ten professional market, the taxpayer so the key development areas. The scope of business as far as Central America, South America, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and other countries and regions, every day dozens of approved foreign purchasing the scene, is the only open market-foreign-procurement platform ● Domestic exports of motorcycle accessories trading center ● the country's largest motorized handcart accessories wholesale market ● nation with the industry's largest volume wholesale motorcycle parts ● the country's largest manufacturers gathered in motorcycle accessories wholesale market To enhance the professional standards of service, motorcycle parts wholesale market Guangzhou Baiyun large investment in hardware and software facilities: 24 hours a day monitoring system in order to protect the safety of the manufacturers in the market, demand for foreign business, the market is also equipped with the free professional translators for each party services, the establishment of the tenants Club ...... "Towards International and achieve better results," the Guangzhou Baiyun motorcycle parts wholesale market will make unremitting efforts to promote the future of motorcycle parts industry in Guangzhou and even China's entering the international market.
  • 联系人:白云摩配
  • 电话:020-81986113
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